The Gun Violence Solution: Part One
There’s a simple answer to the gun violence problem our children face every day in the school system. The Republican is on the right track, but they’re facing a serious roadblock along their righteous quest.
Where’s the disconnect? Let’s start by making some connections to bridge that gap of disconnection.
Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas are five of the ten most religious states in the United States.
They are also five of the ten states with the most gun violence per capita in the United States.
However, overall religiosity in the United States is on a steep decline and has been for a while now, in 2018 and 2019, Pew noted a 12% decline of adults who described themselves as Christians during the preceding decade. If that same trend continues at the same pace over the next decade, that puts God-fearing Christians dangerously close to becoming a minority in this once great nation. And that’s a problem.
So what’s happening is the overt immorality — and the arguably worse amorality — of the Godless lost souls is bleeding into the very fabric of the Godly. What happens when fabric colors start to bleed? You get a stain marring that fabric. Take a red hat and throw it in the wash with your favorite white shirt. The white shirt will forever be tainted.
The initial step along this newfound path to greatness is well underway. We have to protect the sanctity of life, and the more morally fibrous members of the Supreme Court are on their way to doing just that. With the sanctity of life growing to become a highly valued commodity, we can raise an abundance of virtuous children to witness the light of God. As the community of upstanding citizens grows, we can shrink the numbers of the Papists, the Satanists, and the more insidious members of society who are Godless and proud of it.
Once we have the numbers trending in the correct direction, we have an outlet for marked change on a grand scale. If the 18th and 21st constitutional amendments are any indicators, things can change. The first change to enact would be to establish a state religion; the framers of the constitution weren’t stupid insofar as they knew they had to appeal to a wide swath of people, so they made no mention of God in the constitution. Not to mention that in the Declaration of Independence they appealed to the detractors of the crown in an extreme way by referring to God as “The Creator”, among other sobriquets. It’s time to get away from that veiled language. With the morally righteous leaders in place, we can have an established religion.
With the preservation of unborn lives and an established religion, we’re off to a good start.
The point at which these innocents are ready to enter the school system. However, the school systems need federal change. The first and most important facet of this change needs to be a curriculum based on our Christian values. It needs to embed itself everywhere; it’s no secret that in 1 Kings 7:23 the divine messengers, speaking His Word, talk about Pi in relation to a circle. There’s no reason to shun God away from our arithmetic.
Even Galileo was a man of God. The unfortunate truth about Galileo was that he was under the whims of papal dominance and couldn’t get out from under the thumb of the Catholic Church. Therefore, as he was doing The Lord’s work, they convicted him under suspicion of heresy. Suspicion, mind you, not outright heresy. Don’t let some heathen liberal tell you science and God can’t coexist. God IS science. We need that blend in our education system.
The faithful among us need strict oversight on what and when our school children read. We don’t need loose women corrupting innocent minds with their abject depravity. Women like Daphne du Maurier, Kate Chopin, and Virginia Woolf, who explicitly said she doesn’t like the dominance of men or masculinity at all. God gave man dominion over the earth, and we were created in His image, and woman from our image. It was the woman who disobeyed and deceived her husband. It’s women like those “authors” who are descended from Eve turning to harlotry and sin, forsaking the covenant between a man and his wife, that add to the moral decay of our society. Keeping a firm hand on your woman isn’t abuse, it’s God’s will.
We need to bring back virtuous authors like C. S. Lewis and Oswald Chambers to lead our children down the moral path of virtue. With virtue comes victory. Over two centuries ago, the Rev. Jonathan Edwards had it right when he said “Under all the cultivations of heaven, they brought forth bitter and poisonous fruit.” We need to cultivate our garden as the pure among us have been doing. Though their intentions were noble, nobility doesn’t work as swiftly as it needs to when we’re on the brink of the end times and believe me, we are at the end of days. Make no mistake about the intentions of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s as plain as the light of God’s sun in Matthew 10:34, where He said, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”
I have taken great pains to learn the ways of the wicked so that I could share them with you and thereby lead you away from the left-hand paths of the sinners of the world. It brought me no pleasure to walk amongst the den of thieves, but I have made it. In Isaiah 56:7, God says, in no uncertain terms, “I will bring them to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” There’s a reason America is a world power, and it’s not a coincidence. It’s biblical. It’s providence, friends.
The final step in the education and sealing of our future is to provide the tools necessary for the children to carry the sword of Jesus Christ. Physical education is a must. Part of that physical education needs to include tactical weapons training. We have the funds to modify our schools to include shooting ranges and provide the best weapons for our youth with which they can learn and practice. We need to demand that our leaders include this funding in our defense budget since this would be defending our country, and our defense needs to start young with an impassioned sense of traditional religion and patriotism.
We can’t allow ourselves to be cast out of the promised land the way like the twelve spies. As promised to Abraham, we have our home through his son Isaac, and we have it here, in America. We need to be willing to die to defend it for our salvation.